Volume 19, Issue 4 (10-2017)                   yafte 2017, 19(4): 76-87 | Back to browse issues page

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Nazari H, Taheri Z, Bakhtiar K, Hosseinabadi R. A Survey of lifestyle influenced by Cyberspace and its impact on mental health (Case Study University of Medical Sciences in 2015). yafte 2017; 19 (4) :76-87
URL: http://yafte.lums.ac.ir/article-1-2342-en.html
, Social Determinants of Health Research Center, Lorestan University of Medical Sciences, Khorramabad, Iran
Abstract:   (23494 Views)

Background : The rapid expansion of mass media, and in particular cyberspace, is one of the factors affecting people s health. Therefore, in this study, we investigated the life style affected by cyberspace and its effect on mental health.
Materials and Methods:The method of the following study is a descriptive survey with purpose. The statistic groups are the university students of medical university of Lorestan between 2015 and 2016. To take samples we used the Cochran formula and the numbers of participants is 361 in a random order. In this study, to analysis the data, we use the descriptive statistics in two ways. The first part is descriptive statistics and in second part the analysis is done by inferential descriptive statistics. Data analysis was done by SPSS19 and Amos software.
Results:The findings of this study are as follows: mean score of lifestyle influenced by the virtual space was not the same among sex, social-economic and marital status. There was also significant relationship between lifestyle and mental health is affected by the virtual space. The Structural Equation Model study was also approved the data is collected with the theoretical framework.
Conclusion: Regarding the relationship between lifestyle and cyberspace and mental health it is recommended that authorities adopt programs that promote, expand and manage new mass media and thus enhance the mental health of students.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: روانشناسی
Received: 2016/11/28 | Accepted: 2017/05/9 | Published: 2017/12/19

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