Volume 13, Issue 1 (6-2011)                   yafte 2011, 13(1): 125-134 | Back to browse issues page

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Payam Nour University
Abstract:   (17395 Views)
Thepsycho-physiological disorders are the real physical symptoms that created by emotional factors or may be worse by their effect. Evidences show that psychological status in humans cause immunity changes and disease. If the response to stress makes us susceptible to physical disease, so stressful events must be frequently associated with disease. Pregnancy and childbirth for most women is associated with high stress. During pregnancy many changes take place in emotions and communication of people , marital satisfaction in this period can influence on intensity of maternal stress and associated with physical and mental disorders for her. Therefore this study investigated the relationship between marital satisfaction and problems during pregnancy and whether these psychological factors are related to intensity of problems during the pregnancy or not? Materials and Methods: Descriptive correlational method was used to carry out this study. The statistical society of this study is all of the pregnant women of khorramabad referred to health-medical centers in Summer (209). For data gathering, 2 of 15 health-medical centers were randomly selected and then from each center 20(40 total) with the help of midwife and using simple random sampling were selected and simultaneously Enrich marital satisfaction questionnaire with 11 subscales and the questionnaire of common physical problems during the pregnancy performed on the subjects. Obtained information were analyzed using correlation, regression, T test and ANOVA. Results: 1- There is a reverse and significant relation between current problem of pregnancy periods and the main score of matrimonial satisfaction. 2 – There is a positive and significant relation between current problems of pregnancy periods and variables such as womans, age and age difference between man and woman . 3- The women with MA, and secondary degrees have low matrimonial satisfaction in comparison with the women with diploma and bachelors, degree. Conclusion: Based on the results and according to importance of the effect of stress during pregnancy on physical and mental health of mother, it is recommended to couples to increase their marital satisfaction, to reduce the stress of mothers and reduce the physical problems during pregnancy.
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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2011/06/20 | Accepted: 2021/07/12 | Published: 2011/06/15

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