Volume 10, Issue 4 (yafteh 2009)                   yafte 2009, 10(4): 93-97 | Back to browse issues page

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Baharvand B, Namdari M, Ghafarzadeh M. The role of stress on the rise of blood pressure. yafte 2009; 10 (4) :93-97
URL: http://yafte.lums.ac.ir/article-1-108-en.html
Abstract:   (58971 Views)

Background: The virtual rise of blood pressure resulted from stress, that is observed in subjects that are tested in medical centers, can be oftenly corrected by holter. This phenomenon causes such persons not to response to the common anti blood pressure treatments (2). Materials and methods: This descriptive study was conducted 2006-2007 at the heart clinic of Shohadaye–Ashayer hospital in Khorramabad during 2006-2007 to investigate the rate of stress induced H. T. N Coming to the clinics. The cases (N=200) were measured for their blood pressure with the standardized mercury devices. If the rate of their blood pressure was high, normal or mild to moderate HTN, they were measured at home with the Interface I. F 250 model of Holter monitoring for 24 hours. Then, using the t-test and SPSS, the rate of blood pressure in the both methods were compared and analyzed. Results: The comparison of blood pressure at the clinic and the 24-hours blood pressure measurement with the Holter monitoring showed that 35% of those who fell into two groups of mild and moderate hypertension at the clinic had a normal blood pressure, 70 subjects were suffering from high blood pressure, 20 cases were suffering from diabetes, 98 from hyperlipidemia while 76 patients were smokers, also 130 of them had familial hypertensive records. The statistical t-test demonstrated a significant difference between the average rate of systolic and diastolic blood pressure at the clinic and the 24-hour monitoring of blood pressure with the Holter (P<0. 001). Conclusion: In this study, the comparison of blood pressure valve at the clinic and the value of blood pressure during 24 hours using monitoring showed that 35% of the cases undergoing pharmacologic and non- pharmocologic treatments routinely and by the measurement of blood pressure at the clinic and / or at the doctor’s office did not need any treatment as their blood pressure were in the normal range (4, 5 ). Regarding the considerable difference between the blood pressure measured in the clinic and the 24-hour blood pressure at home, it is necessary to use the Holter monitoring for most of the patients suffering from the mild and/or moderate blood pressure (8).

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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2009/08/3 | Accepted: 2017/11/14 | Published: 2009/03/15

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