Abstract: (16664 Views)
taking different ergogenic substances to improve sports performances is considered as a great problem in the world. The clim of this study was to determine the prevalenceamount of ergogenic substances use in Lorestan Province high school students and their knowledge about doping and using ergogenic substances. Materials and Methods: This research was carried out on 1180 male and female students using a self-reported and researcher-centered questionnaire in 8 cities and 1 village (Tarhan) selected by cluster sampling method. After omitting incomplete questionnaires, 992 questionnaires were coded and then analyzed by SPSS software and descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The results showed that 92 (9. 3%) of the samples had taken one ergogenic substance at least, 37 (3. 7%) of the students hade used doping and banned drugs and also 71 (7. 1%) from sports supplements. Prevalence of ergogenic substances in male students was 13. 369% and in female students was 4. 260%. The effective factors on prevalence amount of ergogenic substances use, included age, sex, height, weight, place of residence, family income, being athlete, method of exercise, the athletic field, record of championship, the championship field, , the championship level, attitude toward doping, knowledge about doping and ergogenic substances. The most important variables for predicting the use of ergogenic substances were attitude towards doping, weight, to know the name of ergogenic substances, and the athletic field (R= + 0. 475) and these variables indicat a 3% variance in the use of ergogenic substances. The average score of students’ knowledge about ergogenic substances was 12. 185 ±6. 657 from 44 ergogenic substances (for male students= 12. 185 and female students=11. 482). The average score of attitude was 4. 140±1. 052 from 5. Also %85. 2 from samples reported having average to low knowledge about the ergogenic, but 14. 2% of the samples reported having high and very high knowledge about the ergogenic substances. Conclusion: The results of this research showed that doping and use of ergogenic substances are definite fact among high school students. So serious attention of educational responsibles is needed to prevent the youth and adolescents from damage.
Type of Study:
Research |
Received: 2010/03/10 | Accepted: 2017/06/7 | Published: 2017/06/7