Volume 22, Issue 2 (8-2020)                   yafte 2020, 22(2): 52-70 | Back to browse issues page

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Hoseini R, Hoseini Z. Effects of Physiological Resistance Training on Some Structural and Functional Features of Left Ventricle in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure: a Review Study. yafte 2020; 22 (2) :52-70
URL: http://yafte.lums.ac.ir/article-1-2959-en.html
Department of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran
Abstract:   (2986 Views)
In recent decades, exercise activity has been the key contributor in controlling many diseases. This review highlights the recent longitudinal studies and randomized clinical trials evaluating the impact of resistance training on the left ventricle structural and functional characteristics. The studies include diverse ethnic populations, including men and women, as well as several (e.g. adults, middle-aged and older adults) age groups. Databases such as PubMed, Medline, Irandoc, SID, Google Scholar, and Magiran were searched for the purpose of this review. After checking 150 abstracts, we reviewed 83 relevant articles to be discussed. Based on the results of the studies, resistance training induces structural and functional changes in the left ventricle commensurate with gene changes providing the basis for improving the efficiency of cardiac function. Therefore, the present study supports the view that resistance training, with special considerations, can be recommended to patients with chronic heart failure who suffer from cardiac events as a preventive solution.
Full-Text [PDF 575 kb]   (1406 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Review article | Subject: قلب و عروق
Received: 2020/01/21 | Accepted: 2020/06/2 | Published: 2020/09/14

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